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CALL. 20.04.2020: The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings. 1st International Seminar on 'The Go


FECHA /DATE/DATA: 01-02-03-04/07/2020



INFO: call -


The seminar intends to be an occasion for interdisciplinary confrontation about the first volume of the editio maior of James Frazer’s The Golden Bough: The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings.

Three are the aims of the present meeting:

1) To collectively reflect on the theoretical and methodological aspects of Frazer’s work, in relation both to his other works and the state of studies in his times.

2) To detect the direct or indirect influence of the theories and interpretations Frazer exposes here on the subsequent studies and cultural production.

3) To pay attention to the beliefs, myths and rituals subjected to analysis by Frazer in this volume of the editio maior, verifying his interpretation in the light of the current state of studies and the documentation available today.

In particular, it will be possible to present proposals for papers on the following themes:

1) Frazer’s concept of “magic” as exposed in the first volume of the editio maior, in relation to his other works and the state of studies in his times.

2) The impact of Frazer’s concept of “magic” on the subsequent studies and cultural production, also in relation to the current academic debate on this theme.

3) Frazer’s concept of “religion” as exposed in the first volume of the editio maior, in relation to his other works and the state of studies in his times.

4) The impact of Frazer’s concept of “religion” on the subsequent studies and cultural production, also in relation to the current academic debate on this theme.

5) The beliefs, tales and myths analysed by Frazer in the first volume of the editio maior, paying attention to the relation between Frazer’s interpretation and the studies of his time, and reconsidering it critically in the light of the current state of studies and the documentation available today.

6) The impact on studies and on cultural production that subsequent to Frazer of the interpretations of beliefs, tales and myths analysed in the fists volume of the editio maior.


The main historical and cultural areas of which Frazer analyses the traditions in this volume are: ancient Egypt, ancient Near East, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, the medieval German world, Christian Europe and its folk traditions, Africa, India and South-East Asia, China, Japan, Australia and the Pacific islands, the Americas.

The scholars who would like to contribute may send a one-page abstract (max 2.000 characters) to Igor Baglioni, ( by April 20, 2020.

Attached to the abstract should be: the title of the paper; the chosen area; a short biography of the authors; email address and phone number.

Papers may be written and presented in English, French, Italian and Spanish.

The acceptance of papers will be communicated (by email) only to the selected contributors by 2020, April 30.

Please send the paper, complete with notes and bibliograpy, by email not later than June 20. The delivery of the paper is required to participate in the conference.

Important deadlines:

Closing of call for papers: April 20th, 2020.

Notification about acceptance: April 30th, 2020.

Delivery of paper: June 20th, 2020.

Conference: July 1-4th, 2020

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