CALL. 30.09.2020: [PANEL 26] "Arts in Work: About the Interaction of Soundscapes and Taskscapes

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Meritxell Ferrer Martín (University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona); Agnès García-Ventura (University Autónoma of Barcelona); Mireia López-Bertran (University of Valencia)
Working and music/sounds are two topics of research that have been almost unexplored together so far in studies of the past. On the one hand, when dealing with music, working environments are not usually considered. On the other hand, when dealing with work and production the focus is often on administrative and economic aspects, as well on the so-called chaîne opératoire, but not on soundscapes. In this panel we aim to fill this gap discussing several aspects of the interaction between working and music/sounds. Notice that we use indiscriminately and intentionally music and sounds as synonyms as we also aim at discussing the definition of their boundaries. In doing so, we aim to include in the debates on soundscapes issues as diverse as work songs, traditionally considered “music”, but also the crackle of fire or the pounding of mortars, to name two examples, traditionally considered “sounds” (or even “noise”). How do we define these conceptual borders in working environments? Why? Are they useful for our analysis or they hide more than what they show?
To discuss all these issues we invite contributions dealing with any period and geography of Antiquity (from the ancient Near East to the Roman world, from the Indo-Iranian plateau to China) and working with written sources, visual sources or material culture. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research will be welcome.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, the following issues:
- the very definition of music and sounds in working environments.
- the role of music and sounds to create an aural and acoustic atmosphere in order to accompany the kinetic and tactile rhythms of workers.
- the relevance of the senses, especially hearing, in participating in a wide range of taskscapes.
- work songs and lullabies (also understood here as work songs)
- gender aspects related to the creation and performance of these soundscapes and taskscapes.
How to send a paper proposal: please send title, abstract (250 words), 5 keywords, your full name and affiliation (as you want them to appear in the programme in case of acceptance), and a brief scholarly biography (ca. 100-150 words) to ALL panel organisers. Please use the following email addresses:;;
Abstracts should have:
- Title of communication
- University
- Abstracts (max 250 words)
- Keywords (5 to 10 words)