Workshop "Antiquity and the Anthropocene" - 26/02/2021, (Online)
Building on this environment-human interdependency debate, this workshop will look back at the environmental impact of some of the largest power networks of the past, including ancient empires, with the aim of re-examining ancient perceptions of nature, power, and power over nature to help us better understand our present situation. By offering a lively and challenging setting for discussion to international scholars, nature writers, and artists, the workshop will foster new approaches to explain the relationship between human societies and their natural environments, providing a novel interpretative framework for current and past environmental crises. This event aims to start a conversation that will produce an interdisciplinary response to the most important issue of our time.
FECHA /DATE/DATA: 26/02/2021
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr Giacomo Savani (UCD); Dr Matthew J. Mandich (ISAR); Dr Amanda Kelly (UCD)
Programme – Friday 26 February 2021
13.00–13.05 (Dublin time) Welcome and opening remarks
13.05–13.30 Matthew Mandich (Independent Scholar) and Giacomo Savani (University College Dublin):
Antiquity and the Anthropocene: An Introduction
13.30–15.15 Session 1: Greek Nature (Chair: Chiara Blanco – University of Oxford)
13.30–14.00 Micheál Geoghegan (National University of Ireland, Galway):
Zeus the Tamer: Male Social Power and the Conquest of Nature in Hesiod’s Theogony
14.00–14.30 Richard Hutchins (University of Miami):
A Way of Seeing: Technicity in Prometheus Bound
14.30–14.45 Break
14.45–15.15 Enrico Postiglione (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia):
Aristotle on Techne: Reconsidering the Nature-Technology Divide in light of Western Demonology
15.15–15.30 Conversations with the Artist 1: John O'Reilly (Artist)
15.30–16.30 Session 2: Of Beasts and Men (Chair: Patty Baker – Virgina Tech)
15.30–16.00 Dimitrios Papadopoulos (University of Patras):
Wonder, Knowledge and Ignorance: Animal Nature and Empire in Pliny the Elder and Aelian
16.00–16.30 Konstanze Schiemann (University of Amsterdam):
Animals out of Place: Organising and Criticising Animal Hunts in Late Antiquity
16.30–16.45 Conversations with the Artist 2: Marti Cormand (Artist)
16.45–17.00 Break
17.00–18.30 Session 3: Textual Nature (Chair: Jason König – University of St Andrews)
17.00–17.30 Thomas Munro (Yale University):
Tellus imbuta: An Ecocritical Reading of Catullus 64
17.30–17.45 Conversations with the Artist 3: Patty Baker (Virgina Tech; Artist)
Roman Floral Design: The Embodiment of Environmental Ephemerality
17.45–18.00 Break
18.00–18.30 Treasa Bell (Yale University):
Puellae in an Anthropocentric World
18.30–19.45 Session 4: Environment and Collapse. (Chair: Matthew Mandich – Independent Scholar; Giacomo Savani – University College Dublin)
18.30–19.00 Gil Gambash (University of Haifa):
The Collapse of the Late-Antique Negev Society: Environmental Aspects
19.00–19.50 Kyle Harper (University of Oklahoma):
Keynote address: Microbes and the Ancient Anthropocene
19.50–20.00 Closing Remarks