Sheshonk (Shishak) in Palestine - 06-07/03/2020, Wien (Austria)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 06-07/03/2020
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Austrian Academy of Sciences (Wien, Austria)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Challenging Time(s), ERC Starting Grant, GA Nr. 757951; Tracing Transformations, FWF-START Y-932 G25; Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology, Austrian Academy of Sciences
INFO: web -;
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Gratis/free/gratuito Deadline: 01/03/2020
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PROGRAMA/PROGRAM/PROGRAMMA: Disponible en PDF/Available in PDF/Disponibile in PDF
UPDATE: Cancelado/cancelled/annullato
We are sorry to inform you that the conference “Sheshonq (Shishak) in Palestine” in Vienna (6-7th of March) is cancelled. Due to increased travel restrictions and the first confirmed case of Corona infection in Vienna, we are forced to postpone the conference. As soon as we have a new date, we will update you accordingly.
FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 2020 DAY ONE: ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORY 09.00–09.15 Barbara Horejs | Director of OREA, Austrian Academy of Sciences Welcome and Opening 09.15–09.30 Felix Höflmayer | Austrian Academy of Sciences Roman Gundacker | Austrian Academy of Sciences Introduction 09.30–10.15 Israel Finkelstein | Tel Aviv University The Sheshonq I Campaign to Canaan: Chronological, Archaeological and Historical Comments 10.15–11.00 Matthew J. Adams | W.F. Albright Institute Sheshonq and the Archaeology of Megiddo 11.00–11.30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30–12.15 Troy Sagrillo | University of Swansea Dating Sheshonq I’s Campaign: The Egyptian Evidence 12.15–13.00 Lyndelle Webster | Austrian Academy of Sciences What Radiocarbon Dating Can (and Can’t) Say about Sheshonq’s Campaign to Palestine: A Review of the Present State of Research 13.00–14.30 LUNCH BREAK 14.30–15.15 Bernd Schipper | Humboldt University Berlin The Campaign of Sheshonq I to the Southern Levant in Light of the Foreign Policy of the 21st/22nd Dynasty 15.15–16.00 Shirly Ben-Dor Evian | Israel Museum, Jerusalem Egypt and the Arabah in the Early Iron Age 16.00–16.30 COFFEE BREAK 16.30–17.15 Felix Höflmayer | Austrian Academy of Sciences Sheshonq in Palestine: A Minimalist Approach 17.15–18.00 Katharina Streit | Hebrew University of Jerusalem Destruction Horizons and Sheshonq's Campaign in Palestine 19.30 DINNER SATURDAY, 7 MARCH 2020 DAY TWO: PHILOLOGY 09.00–09.15 Roman Gundacker | Austrian Academy of Sciences Felix Höflmayer | Austrian Academy of Sciences Introduction 09.15–10.00 Emanuel Tov | Hebrew University of Jerusalem Different Textual Traditions about Sheshonq-Shishak in the Hebrew Bible 10.00–10.45 Andreas Vonach |University of Innsbruck Rewritten Bible and Historicity: "Pharao Shishak" as Testcase for the Composition of Deuteronomistic History 10.45–11.15 COFFEE BREAK 11.15–12.00 Francis Breyer | University of Bonn The Berber Origin and Reception of Sheshonq I and Other Libyan Pharaohs 12.00–12.45 Roman Gundacker | Austrian Academy of Sciences Sheshonq and Shishaq: Philological and Linguistic Perspectives 12.45–14.15 LUNCH BREAK 14.15–15.00 Annik Wüthrich | Austrian Academy of Sciences A Re-Examination of the Triumph Inscription of Sheshonq I 15.00–15.45 Julien Cooper | Yale University Between History, Geography, and Epigraphy: The Topographical List of Sheshonq and Remarks on its Historicity 15.45–16.15 COFFEE BREAK 16.15–17.15 Discussion