CALL. 15.03.2020: UK-IVR 2020 Annual Conference "Law, Rationality and Practical Reason: Ancient

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Surrey (Guildford, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Antony Hatzistavrou (University of Hull, School of Law and Politics, UK); Noam Gur (Queen Mary, University of London, Law School, UK); Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco (University of Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy, UK)
INFO: web
We aim to create a platform for the exchange of ideas and the creation of synergies for new ways of thinking about law, practical reason and rationality among researchers in the field of philosophy, legal theory, law, sociology, psychology, intellectual history, classics and political science. We encourage all methodologies, including historical analysis and comparative intellectual history.
Indicative topics for papers and workshops (all topics can be approached from ancient or contemporary perspectives):
Models of practical reason and law
Legal authority and practical reason
Rationality in law, e.g. private and criminal law
Rationality and doctrinal perspectives
Legal responsibility and rationality
Rule of law, rationality and practical reason
Values, rationality and law
Conceptions of the good, common good and legal rationality
Character, dispositions and law
Methodological issues in studying law and social practices
If you would like to participate with a paper, please submit an abstract of 500 words (maximum) to the following email address before 15 March 2020.
We would like to encourage international scholars to submit papers.
We also welcome suggestions for workshops on specific topics. If you are interested in organising a workshop, please submit an abstract of 500 words (maximum) together with the name of the potential participants to the following address: before 15 March 2020.
Notification of acceptance will be before 30 March 2020.