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CALL.10.03.2020: Gods & Humans in Ancient Egypt. Current Research and Multidisciplinary Approach

Topics of interest will be organized in three sections, Pharaonic Egypt, Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, Inter- and multidisciplinary issues



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr Renata Tatomir Professor ; Doctor Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska



The participants may submit a proposal of a paper or a poster or both on a topic relevant to the main conference theme. Proposals of three related presentations are also welcome.

Registration fee: - Participant with paper: 80 Euros/paper - Participant with poster: 50 Euros/poster

Registration includes: conference presentation; attendance to all plenary and parallel sessions; certificate of participation; conference welcome kit; coffee breaks (morning and afternoon teas/coffees during the days of the conference); dinners during the days of the conference; conference reception; the option to submit your paper to the proceedings, and participate in the refereeing process; the publication of the proceedings; social events.

Visitor registration fee: 30 Euros and it includes: attendance to all plenary and parallel sessions; conference welcome kit; morning and afternoon teas/coffees during the days of the conference; social events; conference reception. The fee will be paid in cash upon arrival.

Thematic issues Topics of interest will be organized in three sections, Pharaonic Egypt, Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, Inter- and multidisciplinary issues respectively, and will include but will not be limited to:

▪ The nature of gods & / vs the nature of humans

▪ Concept of “god”; concept of “human”

▪ Origins of the universe, origins of the gods, origins of humans. Schools of thinking. Creationist view vs materialistic view ▪ Myths about gods; myths about humans; myths about gods and humans

▪ The pyramid of divine-human social structure: the divine elite & the human elite: major gods, minor gods, other divine beings and entities; king(s), elite social structures; common people and household deities ▪ Divine society vs human society: models and interactions 4

▪ Offerings as means of connections & rituals as principles of connection between humans, gods, & dead o Tips to glorify oneself in the afterlife

▪ The divine world(s) vs the human world. Geography, description, beings

▪ The afterlife and its worlds and regions: underworld, afterworlds

▪ Embarking upon the final journey: vehicle(s), equipment, divine guidance, instructions manuals

▪ The god, the living and the dead: transformations of and reaching the states, statutes. o The tripartite structure of the conceived universe

▪ Iconography and artefacts between materiality & spirituality

▪ Study of different forms of devotion (anthroponymy, letters to divinities, selection and depiction of certain gods in tombs)

▪ Transfer of power (or other abilities) from gods to humans – and vice-versa

▪ Human intervention in the divine sphere and vice versa

▪ Types of relationships - kindness or struggle (cf. myth of the wandering goddess)

▪ The servants of gods and their roles, functions and actions

▪ The dwellings of various beings: temples of gods, palaces of kings and elites, houses of common people, tombs and funerary temples of the dead kings; nobles, priests, and artisans tombs; commoners tombs

▪ The language of the gods and the writings of humans devoted to gods and revered ones

▪ HkA, gods, humans and dead: becoming god in life or death

▪ Egyptian deities in Ptolemaic and Roman inscriptions and on coins

▪ Science, religion and magic: inter – and multidisciplinary approaches of the relationship between gods and humans.

5 Preliminary suggested panels Art & Architecture Linguistics & Literature Mythology, Symbolism, Religion & Magic Iconography & Archaeology Artefacts, Museums & Collections Coinage of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt Egyptomania The application should contain: - personal data of the participant (Name, First name), - scholarly/scientific title, - affiliation, - e-mail address - phone / mobile number, as well as - your option: paper / poster / attendance - a short biographic note, required for every participant, and - title of your paper / poster and - an abstract up to 300 words in English or French followed by - 3 to 5 key-words. The deadline for the abstracts submission is 10th of March 2020. Successful applicants will have 20 minutes to present their work, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session. Please send your abstract to the following addresses:; A peer-review publication of the conference proceedings published by an international publisher is planned and the authors will be invited to submit their articles

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