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CALL. 01.04.2020: Animus, anima, animalia – Yesterday, today, tomorrow - Bucarest (Romania)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Ioana Costa(president); Theodor Georgescu, Simona Nicolae; Ioana Munteanu; Diana Baraboi; Alexandru Calin.



The Department of Classical and Neohellenic Philology and the Institute of Classical Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest have the pleasure to invite paper proposals for the colloquium Animus, anima, animalia – Yesterday, today, tomorrow, which will take place on 16-17 May, 2020 in Bucharest. For this edition we propose a theme embracing all entities animated by a vital principle: plants, animals and humans endowed with a 'breath of life' which can be recognized in warmth of heart or brilliance of spirit. The topics of proposed papers may approach the past or interrogate it in order to ponder the dilemmas of the present or to attempt to scrutinise the arcane future. How should one define 'living'? How should one draw the limit between 'being' and 'non-being'? What should be the name of that which holds species together and of that which drives them apart? How is it possible for apparently immutable hierarchies to allow surprising shifts sometimes? What quanta account for the glory of flower, pearl or warrior beneath the walls of Troy? What keeps soul inside body and what makes spirit touch the stars? In what way does the Soul of the World breathe life into the whole nature? What is the meaning hidden in the ripple of grass? Who could perceive the language of birds? When does a word turn into chant? Why would a bird turn into a human and a Naiad into a tree? When and how is it possible for tigers to dwell with lambs and for serpents to dwell with doves? How could Noah bring into his ark a pair of every kind of bird and animal on earth? Here are only a few of the questions as old as the world but always current which we propose to explore by employing the game of hypotheses. Expected contributions may address Greek and Roman cultures but also other antique cultures and civilisations or their reception in different epochs. The languages of the colloquium are Romanian, French and English. For registration, please fill in the attached form before 1 April, 2020 and send it to the e-mail address: After examination of proposals, the scientific committee will contact you by 10 April, 2020.

Please, confirm participation to the same e-mail address until 20 April, 2020. A selection of papers from the colloquium will be published. Contributors should send their articles (10 - 15 pages in length) before 30 October, 2020 in order to be reviewed by the scientific committee.

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