CALL. 22.03.2020: "Faith - Heresy - Magic" Manifestations of deviant beliefs and magical p

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Anna Flückiger; Michaela Helmbrecht; Alexandra Hilgner.
INFO: web -
The recording of beliefs beyond official Christian doctrines and confessions has a longtradition in the various disciplines dealing with Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Akey question is whether and how such notions of conflicting religious currents or of 'livedreligion' are reflected in material culture. In addition, there are manifestations of magicalpractices that play a major role outside the actual sphere of religious practice.
Their manifold traces are moving increasingly into the focus of archaeology. It is often difficult toseparate them by definition: What is faith, what is superstition, and what is magic?Where are the dividing lines between the various competing Christian confessions? Howmuch paganism is there in magic?
The basic assumption in early historic archaeology that objects with a certain decorationcould per se say something about the beliefs of their owners is increasingly beingquestioned. The reconstruction of religious and magical practices is difficult in view of thefew, often distorted written sources.This year's meeting of the study group Late Antiquity, Early Middle Ages (AGSFM), and thestudy group Christian Archaeology (AGCA) on 22nd and 23rd September 2020 in Kiel on thetopic of „Faith - Heresy - Magic - Manifestations of deviant beliefs and magical practices inthe material culture of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages” will examine these variousquestions.
The contributions are intended to present new research results taking intoaccount the following aspects:- beliefs in the world of images- manifestations of (lived) piety and magic- Appearances of sacred places beyond organisations institutionalised by the church- Indications for dealing with 'heretical' or 'deviant' religious ideas- references to non-liturgical rituals and magical practices in the archaeological evidence. We gladly accept contributions from your work on this topic and welcome contributions inGerman and English. The length of your presentation should not exceed 20 minutes.Proposals for papers with a half-page written summary are requested by 22nd March 2020 to
Please also inform colleagues who may not have been contacted or invited directly by us.There is also the possibility of a poster presentation. It should be noted that the studygroups do not have their own funding and cannot pay for travel or accommodation costs.Participants are therefore kindly asked to cover their own expenses and to register for theconference.