CALL. 15.04.2020: CISSR Annual Meeting on Christian Origins - Bertinoro (Italy)

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Centro Residenziale Universitario di Bertinoro (Bertinoro, Italy)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Italian Centre for Advanced Studies on Religions (CISSR)
INFO: call
The annual meetings on Christian origins wish to provide a space for scientific debate and discussion on the broader field of early Christianity, including research on the historical Jesus, the interpretation of the early Christian writings, and the history of the early Christian groups in the Jewish and Greco-Roman world (1st and 2nd century). The meetings take the form of “Programme Units”, coordinated by specialists and young researchers. Papers are expected from a wide range of perspectives: history, exegesis, archaeology, papyrology, anthropology and social sciences, cultural studies, and so on.
Anyone can respond to the annual Call for Papers in order to submit a paper of 20-25 minutes (30 minutes in exceptional cases). The conference’s official languages are Italian and English (the latter works as shared language in academia). In order to prompt active participation in the conference’s debates and proceedings on the part of a largely non-Italian speaking audience, we welcome and encourage paper proposals submitted in English. For the same reason, we also ask speakers to prepare a detailed handout in English with a brief overview of their paper (including main points, texts and images that will be discussed etc.) to be distributed to all participants. Alternatively, speakers can find in each conference room PowerPoint facilities (please note: the criteria above apply to PowerPoint presentations too).
Each Programme Unit usually includes four papers with a discussion time of 5-10 minutes after each paper and/or about 15 minutes at the end of each session. More time can be set aside for discussion if necessary.
How to Submit a Paper
Papers are invited on any aspect relating to the conference topics (see the Call for Papers page). Applicants must submit their paper proposals via e-mail to the coordinators of a single Programme Unit by April 15, 2020. Each participant may submit up to a maximum of two paper proposals, therefore applying for two different Units. It is not allowed to submit a single paper proposal to two different Programme Units.
The paper proposals should be sent as attached files (only in *.doc or *.docx format) and should not exceed the limit of 250 words in English (please use Unicode fonts for ancient languages). Proposals must include a title and a clear indication of the selected Programme Unit. Applicants are also requested to specify their current academic position (Ph.D. student, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Junior or Senior Lecturer, Professor, etc.).
Paper proposals will be peer-reviewed by the Programme Unit chairs, and applicants will receive information concerning acceptance or non-acceptance by April 30, 2020. The only criterion for acceptance or refusal is the relevance of paper proposals to the theme of the unit. Acceptance and refusal of a paper are final and unappellable.
Once accepted, the presenters will be invited to complete the registration procedure, by paying the conference fees (see below).