New Jerusalem: Conceptions of Revelation's Holy City in Late Antique Christianity – 30/09/2020,

One of the most recognizable figures in the Christian tradition, the extravagantly portrayed New Jerusalem of Revelation 21—22, was appropriated by Christians throughout the late-antique period to represent an array of meanings and support various priorities. The reception of these patristic notions of the New Jerusalem has had a direct, profound, and enduring influence on the idea of the holy city in both the West and East in many contexts and leaves a legacy that continues to shape our culture to this very day. For a variety of reasons, however, the foundational early-Christian understandings, uses, and abuses of the New Jerusalem idea have been mostly overlooked at an object of study in its own right. This symposium, therefore, seeks to refocus scholarly attention on the patristic reception of the biblical New Jerusalem.
FECHA /DATE/DATA: 15/04/2020
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: KU Leuven, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies (Leuven, Belgium)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Nathan Betz (Leuven); Kristiaan Venken (Leuven); Anthony Dupont (Leuven); Johan Leemans (Leuven).
INFO: web -
Fecha límite / deadline / scadenza: 30/08/2020