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CALL. 30.06.2020: New Work on Fascism and Ancient Rome - London (England)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Fabrizio Oppedisano (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa); Paola S. Salvatori (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa); Federico Santangelo (Newcastle University)



Ancient Rome – in the full range of its historical experience, from the Regal period to the demise of the Empire in the West – has long been an inexhaustible repository of models, with which posterity has engaged over the centuries. This dialogue between Ancient and Modern took up a highly significant political and cultural dimension under Fascism. During the Ventennio, the myth of Rome shaped – often pervasively –forms of communication, artistic and literary experiences, education and cultural life, individual behaviour, political choices, and ideology. The investigation of these themes has been an increasingly prominent theme in the historiographical debates of the last few decades, which have explored the relationship between Romanità and Fascism from a number of original and fruitful viewpoints. This conference on ‘New Work on Fascism and Ancient Rome’ aims to provide a balance sheet of the main outcomes attained thus far and the most recent and productive approaches to this topic. We would especially welcome (but by no means restrict our interest in) proposals for papers on architecture and iconography; literature; and colonial ideology and practice.

Keynote Speakers: Joshua Arthurs (West Virginia), Andrea Giardina (Pisa, SNS) and Penelope Goodman (Leeds).

Deadline: 30 June 2020

Submissions: Proposals for papers should be emailed to

Please submit (in PDF format) an anonymised abstract of your paper, max. 300 words and a brief cv (300 words max.), including your institutional affiliation, education background, and main publications.

Papers may be presented in English, Italian, French, German or Spanish and will be accompanied by a detailed English abstract; we would also ask speakers to produce substantial handouts. We envisage the publication of a proceedings volume based on the papers delivered at the conference, which will undergo a blind peer-review process.

The decision of the organising committee on the inclusion of each abstract will be announced within 15-20 days from the CfP deadline.

A full conference programme will be advertised in November 2020.

Speakers will be offered all meals (conference dinner, two lunches, and coffee breaks) and a partial refund of their travel expenses.

Attendance of the conference is free of charge.

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