Origen as Philologist - 18-19/11/2020, Scottsdale (AZ, USA)

This international conference aims to shed light on these new archaeological and historical perspectives concerning the entire military outlook of Egypt at this time. The conference will also make a broad assessment of the current state of knowledge about the Ramesside military system and discuss how the new knowledge relates to previously held theories, and provide a forum for discussion.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 27-28/11/2020
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Phoenix Seminary (Scottsdale, AZ USA)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Phoenix Seminary Text & Canon Institute
INFO: web
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: $50 formulario/registration form/modulo di registrazione
Alison Salvesen ※ University of Oxford “Symmachus at Caesarea: the Use and Reception of his Ekdosis by Caesarean Scholars” Michael Graves ※ Wheaton College “Jerome’s Epistle 106 and Origen’s Hexapla” Benjamin Kantor ※ University of Cambridge “The Pre-Hexaplaric Secunda: Greek Transcriptions of the Hebrew Bible in Roman Caesarea” Bradley J. Marsh, Jr. ※ Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg “The ‘Afterlife’ of Hexaplaric Samaritan Readings” Peter J. Gentry ※ The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary “History of Hexapla and Tetrapla from the Evidence of the Colophons” Anna Kharanauli ※ Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University “Grammarians at Work” John D. Meade ※ Phoenix Seminary “Late Fourth- and Early Fifth-Century Reception of the Caesarean Ekdoseis” Edmon L. Gallagher ※ Heritage Christian University “The Hexapla in the Church according to Jerome” Matthew Miller ※ Classical School of Wichita “The Caesarean Hebrew Text: Insights from the Asterisked Material in Codex Colbertinus-Sarravianus” Francesca Schironi ※ University of Michigan “Textual Scholarship in Hellenistic Alexandria (and beyond)” Peter W. Martens ※ Saint Louis University Respondent