Stranger Things. Fantasy in Antiquity in Historiography and Reception - 20-21/04/2020 (Online)

Ancient World usually appears in our sources as a world of fantasy. Myth, magic and prodigies are common in historical and scientifical accounts in ancient historians' works. Despite the distance in the perception of reality and the cultural borders between us and ancient people, and even between beliefs and reason, this ancient fantasy surpasses the mind and words from the sources to the scholarly tradition, and we can also find explanations that include both fantasy and illusion in Modern Historiography about Antiquity. In these stranger days of us, let us invite you to work and discuss this wide topic of fantasy and historiography, including Contemporary Reception of the Ancient World, with the aim of linking us with things that make us feel alive, as it is research.
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 20-21/04/2020
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Marc Mendoza (Autonomous University of Barcelona) ; Borja Antela-Bernárdez (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
9:45-10:00: Opening remarks Session 1 10:00-10:30: Guendalina D. M. Taietti (University of Guangzhou): The Oath of Alexander: ancient fiction and modern political discourse 10:30-11:00: Mónica Durán Mañas (Universidad de Granada): La fantasía de la alteridad. Del mito griego a la historia actual 11:00-11:30: Marika Strano (Independent Researcher): Tracce del perturbante nel Satyricon di Petronio e nelle Metamorfosi di Apuleio 11:30-12:00: Daniela Dantas (Centre for History of the University of Lisbon): The Sons of the Harpy, descendants of Ancient Myth? The symbolism of Harpies, from Ancient Mythology to Game of Thrones ZOOM LINK FOR SESSION 1: Session 2 17:00-17:30: Ronald Blankenborg (Radboud University Nijmegen): On stranger tides: fictional geography in ancient historiography 17:30-18:00: Thomas Alexander Husøy (Swansea University): Xenophon, Callisthenes and Diodorus- the importance of the omens at Leuctra 18:00-18:30: José Luis Aledo (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya): Los presagios de los Diádocos. Bestias, Coronas y abandonos. 18:30-19:00: Borja Antela-Bernárdez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Odysseus Sertorius ZOOM LINK FOR SESSION 2: TUESDAY 21st APRIL
Session 3 10:00-10:30: Jurgen R. Gatt (Università ta’ Malta): Confronting Miracles: The Mysterious Case of the Talking Birds 10:30-11:00: Mariachiara Angelucci (University of Eichstätt): Il meraviglioso e l’insolito nei frammenti di Polemone di Ilio 11:00-11:30: Marine Glénisson (Sorbonne Université): Great men are strange men: fantastic details in Plutarch’s Parallel Lives. 11:30-12:00: Alfonso Álvarez-Ossorio Rivas (Universidad de Sevilla): Distopía dentro de la fantasía: Los bárbaros salvadores del imperio decadente o un final diferente para el mundo antiguo ZOOM LINK FOR SESSION 3: Session 4 17:00-17:30: Julia Guantes García (Universidad de Oviedo): Armas de mujer: Guerreras de la Antigüedad en el cine 17:30-18:00: Sabrina Colabella (Independent Researcher): Hunger Games: Katniss, Artemide e l’apparente incoerenza del modello archetipico 18:00-18:30: Anthony Keen (University of Notre Dame): ‘The kidnapping was pretty mutual’: Reworking the Persephone Myth in Epicurus the Sage 18:30-19:00: Amanda Potter (Open University): Save the Monster, Save the World: Living in Harmony with Monsters in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Princess Mononoke and Monstress. Concluding Remarks ZOOM LINK FOR SESSION 4