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CALL. 24.05.2020: In the Shadow of Hippocrates. International Online Congress on Ancient Medicine -




ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Mónica Durán Mañas (University of Granada); Inmaculada Rodríguez Moreno (University of Cádiz); Borja Antela (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

INFO: ; ;


We present the 1st International Congress of Ancient Medicine online with the title In the Shadow of Hippocrates. Health, Medicine in the Ancient World and its Survival in the West, which aims to offer a space of sharing research papers.

Within the Western context, Ancient Greek medicine has notably influenced a number of disciplines: History, Art, Literature, Politics, Philosophy, Rhetoric, Didactics, Religion, Anthropology, etc. Although Hippocrates and Galen stand as the highest representatives of the medical art, other figures should also be mentioned due to their great contribution to its development. It is well known that Galen’s legacy lay the foundations of modern medicine. The importance and diffusion of his work can be glimpsed since medieval times, as evidencing the various translations of his treatises into different languages ​​–Syriac, Arabic, Latin, etc. In addition, studies, discussions, comments or corrections coming from different intellectual fields have spread the medical legacy. Therefore, the objective of this first online congress is aimed at opening a path of research on the survival of Ancient Greek medicine in the Western context from different fields –literary, historical, political, linguistic, philosophical, rhetorical, pedagogical, artistic, anthropological, among other disciplines– not only encompassing the figure of Hippocrates and Galen, but also those of Soranus, Aetius, Alexander of Tralles, etc., which take a relevant place in the history of Western medicine. However, talking about medicine nowadays also means facing issues related to the everyday life, the intimate and the political. Public health, the management of the medical field, the relationship between medicine and power and many other facets also have a place in our proposal, that aims to fuel multidisciplinary discussions on Ancient Medicine and its survival in the West. In this sense, this first online congress, of a multidisciplinary nature, includes studies on any subject referring to Ancient Greek medicine in light of the Western context. Each intervention will last about 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion. Languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Italian. Proposals can be sent to any of the following e-mails:,, Abstracts should be accompanied with a brief CV. The organizers will try to answer the proposals as soon as they come, to allow participants to have time enough to prepare their talks. The final program will be available on the third week of May.

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