CALL. 31.10.2020: 17th International Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art: Time(s) of transition and c

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: (Wien, Austria) - (Carnuntum, Austria)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Andreas Pülz (Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Antike, ÖAW); Gabrielle Kremer (Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Antike, ÖAW); Eduard Pollhammer (Landessammlungen Niederösterreich, Archäologischer Park Carnuntum); Bernadette Malkiel (Landessammlungen Niederösterreich, Archäologischer Park Carnuntum); Fritz Mitthof (Fritz MitthofFranziska Beutler); Franziska Beutler (Fritz MitthofFranziska Beutler); Günther Schörner (Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Univ. Wien); Julia Kopf (Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Univ. Wien); Christa Farka (Gesellschaft der Freunde Carnuntums); Markus Wachter (Römerstadt Carnuntum).
INFO: call -
we are pleased to invite you to the 17th conference on Roman Provincial Art in Vienna and Carnuntum!
Place and time: Vienna and Carnuntum, 31st May – 5th June 2021
Subject of the conference:
The main topic of the conference are the stone monuments of the Roman provinces in their various forms of appearance as components of architectural and sculptural ensembles or as bearers of inscriptions. We aim to shed light on the wide-ranging informative value of these monuments and to place them in their cultural and historical context.
Participants are invited to focus their presentations and discussions on one of the following main subjects:
- New methods of analysis, presentation and evaluation of ancient stone monuments - Monuments of Late Antiquity - New finds and current themes
Types of contributions:
Presentation, duration 20 min. + 10 min. discussion
Short contribution + poster, duration 8 min.
Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish
Deadlines: Submission of a (short) contribution: (abstract 500 words max.) until 31st October 2020 Participation without contribution: until 31st March 2021, afterwards with increased fee.