America and the Classical Past: Trends in Greco-Roman Reception - 11/09/2020, (Online)

This virtual conference aims to bring together those interested in the reception of classical antiquity in a variety of different disciplines and contexts throughout American history. We are especially keen to integrate studies of education, history, and literature with the analysis of art and architecture. Although the event itself and (most of) the individual papers were planned before the coronavirus pandemic hit and the BLM protests began, we nevertheless see this conference as an opportunity to engage with the complicated role of Classics in the history of the United States. We therefore take an expansive view of classical reception that will allow historians of art and architecture to talk to scholars of literature, education, theater, and history.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 11/09/2020
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Prof. Matthew M. McGowan (Fordham); Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis (CUNY Graduate Center).
INFO: web -
The conference is open to everyone, but registration is required and a zoom link will be sent to those who have registered.
Introduction and Opening Remarks by Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis and Matthew McGowan (11:00 am)
Carl Richard: “The Founders’ Classical Education” (11:15-12:00 pm)
Robert Penella: “John Quincy Adams and the Ancient Classics, 1794-1817” (12:00-12:45 am)
Lunch Break (12:45-2 pm)
Elise Friedland: “The Parthenon and the Civil War Frieze on the Old Pension Building” (2-2:45 pm)
Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis: “Ancient Fantasies in the South: The Parthenon, Khufu’s Pyramid and other ancient buildings at the Tennessee Centennial and International Exposition of 1897.” (2:45-3:30 pm)
Coffee/Tea Break (3:30-4 pm)
Matthew McGowan: “Inscriptions in Greek and Latin: Constructing a Classical Narrative” (4-4:45 pm)
Caroline Winterer: Respondent (5:45-5:30 pm)
Post Conference Social Hour on Zoom – Just us for drinks and conversation online