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Annus nefastus. Infortunios, cambios y oportunidades en el mundo romano -16-17/12/2020, (Online)

On August 24, AD 79 Pliny had taken his customary bath in the sun, a cold bath, then had something to eat, and finally turned to study. At the seventh hour of the day, his sister called on him to notice the existence of a strange cloud ... Little would Pliny imagine that that prodigy of nature which he was about to contemplate from Misenum would end up becoming a catastrophic phenomenon for the inhabitants of the Vesuvian region as well as for himself. It only took a few hours to erase several cities from the map and radically alter both the landscape and coastline. The event was to challenge the capabilities of the imperial administration in managing a humanitarian, economic and social crisis for which there was no precedent.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 16-17/12/2020


ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: J. Pérez González (University of Barcelona) ; J. M. Bermúdez Lorenzo (King Juan Carlos University)

INFO: web -



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