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CALL. 20.01.2021: Eating and Drinking in the Ancient Near East (67th RAI) - Online




ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Stefano de Martino; Elena Devecchi; Christian Greco; Carlo Lippolis; Vito Messina; Maurizio Viano.

INFO: web -


We are pleased to confirm that the 67th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale will be hosted by the University of Turin on July 12-16, 2021. However, differently than originally planned, we came to the decision of moving the conference to a virtual platform. This seemed to us the best way to ensure that the next RAI can take place despite the limitations imposed by the worldwide sanitary emergency and by the unforeseeable developments of the COVID 19 pandemic.

In practice, this means that all presentations will be recorded in advance in order to be edited and uploaded on a virtual platform, where they will be available to all registered participants from June 10 until September 10, 2021. Lectures and workshops will be arranged into thematic panels corresponding to virtual rooms.

During the week July 12-16, 2021, the keynote lectures and the discussions will be live streamed. The afternoon of the opening day will be devoted to the welcome addresses and to the keynote lectures by Cécile Michel, Lucio Milano and Theo van den Hout. In the following days it will be possible to discuss the papers during live Q&A sessions with the speakers; chairpersons will moderate the discussion in each virtual room.

The general meeting of the International Association for Assyriology will be held remotely on Thursday July 15th at 4,30 pm.

The virtual platform allows us to host a maximum of 300 presentations (20 minutes each).

We particularly encourage colleagues to address topics related to the conference’s main theme, “Eating and Drinking in the Ancient Near East”, based on textual as well as on archaeological evidence.

Abstract submission will be possible between December 10, 2020 and January 20, 2021. The reviewing process of the abstracts will be completed by the end of January. Afterwards, each accepted speaker will receive instructions on the technical details about the recording procedure that will take place in April and May with the support of a dedicated team.

We will also provide an online training for all speakers and chairpersons who will moderate the live discussions.

Furthermore, a phone/email helpdesk service will be available during the five days of the congress.

Additionally, we are glad to inform you that the conference proceedings will be published in open access. The proceedings will be peer-reviewed.

Even though we will not have the pleasure of meeting you in person, the costs related to the digital infrastructure require us to charge all participants, either speakers or audience, with a registration fee.

Considering the exceptional circumstances of the 67th RAI, the IAA will award 100,00 EUR each to ten early career researchers for costs related to the participation in the conference.

We regret that we cannot welcome you in person in Torino and we apologise for that; notwithstanding, we will do our best to ensure that this virtual conference will be enjoyable and we hope that many of you will take part in the 67th RAI.


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