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CALL.11.02.2021: [SESSION 6] Writ Large: The Materiality of Ancient Texts (EAA2021) - Kiel (Germany)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Sofie Laurine Albris (University of Bergen, National Museum of

Denmark); Rune Rattenborg (Uppsala University).



Studies on text production and consumption in a variety of Old World historical periods, such as the European Middle Ages and Dynastic China (Buringh and van Zanden 2009; Xu 2013) have demonstrated that long-term perspectives on the material signature of writing may yield profound insights on the changing uses of text in human societies through time and space. Data-driven, large-scale investigation of social dynamics across regions and continents has by now become commonplace in archaeology (Bradbury et al. 2015, Finné et al. 2011, Wagner et al. 2013). While such studies have succeeded in bridging previously insulated fields of regional or temporal specialisation (Llobera 2012), similar perspectives on text as an integral element of material culture have remained largely absent in comparative and diachronic analyses, even if the tools requisite for such perspectives are becoming increasingly available. The rise of digital humanities has seen a virtual explosion in the growth of online repositories of ancient texts of every conceivable variety (Hockey 2008; Rossi and De Santis 2019).

This session invites contributions engaging with the materiality of text in the context of digital research frameworks. How do we approach aspects of text production and consumption from the analytical vantage point provided by digital and spatial humanities research tools? How are metadata repositories and primary text catalogues captured, converted, and deployed in the study of social life and organisation vis-a-vis other types of material culture? And how do such integrative perspectives impact upon the traditional opposition of artefact and text?

We invite contributors from a broad variety of archaeological subfields traversing text and material culture studies, e.g. the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Scandinavia, this session aims to review and discuss current approaches to the integration of text in digital archaeological research environments of the 21st century.

The session is organized in the context of the TextWorlds research network at Uppsala University

Deadline for abstract submission February 11. 2021 at:


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