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CALL.11.02.2021: [SESSION 8] Soundscapes and Taskscapes in Antiquity (EAA2021) - Kiel (Germany)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Angela Bellia (Institute of Heritage Science at the Italian National Research Council); Meritxell Ferrer Martin (Universitat Pompeu Fabra); Agnes Garcia-Ventura (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona); Mireia López-Bertran (Universitat de València).



We kindly invite you to submit abstracts for the session 095 titled "Arts in work: about the interaction of soundscapes and taskscapes in Antiquity", organised in the framework of the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) annual meeting.

It will be held in Kiel (Germany), 8-11 September 2021 on-site, hybrid or on-line depending on the situation.

Deadline to submit abstracts: 11 February 2021.

Session presentation: Working and music/sounds are two topics of research that have been almost unexplored together so far in studies of material culture, especially due their ephemeral nature. On the one hand, when dealing with music, working environments are not usually considered. On the other hand, when dealing with work and production the focus is often on administrative and economic aspects, as well on the so-called chaîne opératoire, but not on soundscapes.

In this session we aim to fill this gap discussing several aspects of the interaction between working and music/sounds through a fresh look of material culture that shed light on the potentialities of objects and architectures as creators of a wide array of sounds that participated in the creation of taskscapes in working environments. Notice that we use indiscriminately and intentionally music and sounds as synonyms as we also aim at discussing the definition of their boundaries. In doing so, we aim to include in the debates on soundscapes issues as diverse as work songs, traditionally considered “music”, but also the crackle of fire or the pounding of mortars, to name two examples, traditionally considered “sounds” (or even “noise”).

How do we define these conceptual borders in working environments? Why? Are they useful for our analysis or they hide more than what they show? To discuss all these issues we encourage contributions by scholars dealing with any period and geography as well as various perspectives: history of religion, archaeomusicology, archaeoacoustics, sound archaeology, ecoarchaeology, classics, anthropology, and art history. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research will be welcome, especially research on archeoacustics based on contemporary analysis like Soundshed Analysis GIStool among others.

Theme: Assembling Archaeological Theory and the Archaeological Sciences.

Submissions can only be done online. See <>.


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