CALL.15.02.2021: [PANEL 5] "Southeastern Italy in the 1st millennium BCE" - San Francisco (CA, USA)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Bice Peruzzi; Christian Heitz; Leah Bernardo-Ciddio
"Southeastern Italy in the 1st millennium BCE: between connectivity and isolation South-eastern!
Italy has remained largely marginal to the scholarly debates about pre-Roman Italy and the archaeology of Magna Graecia alike. Although South Italian artifacts constituted the backbone of the collections of the major European museums from their very beginning, the economically depressed state in which Apulia and Basilicata remained in the 19th century had long lasting consequences on how they have been perceived and discussed in scholarship. Yet, in antiquity this region was far from being a periphery. Archaeological excavations in the past sixty years have revealed evidence of long-range trade, migration, and extensive cultural contacts with the eastern Mediterranean, ever since prehistory.
This panel seeks to flip the traditional perspective, and to explore the dynamism of Apulia and Basilicata, which is well-attested in the material record. The major settlements of this region, far from being isolated, were instead highly connected – to the rest of the Italian mainland including the Greek centres, to the populations of the Adriatic region, and to wider Mediterranean networks. Rather than being the passive recipients of external influences that came to them through these connections, the populations of first millennium Apulia and Basilicata balanced the preservation of local and traditional practice with the adaptation of the new and unfamiliar. The resulting material assemblages are idiosyncratic and variable, as they are the natural reflections of successful coping strategies to achieve this balance in an ever-changing and ever more-connected world. A regionally comparative and diachronic perspective of the archaeology of South Eastern Italy will highlight its status as a cultural nexus and a core in its own right, worthy of further examination.
Possible paper topics may include (but are not limited to) the following:
● Local and International trade and economy
● Production and trade of pottery, textiles, or metal objects
● Technological innovations and hybridity
● Architecture and urban development
● Mobility (peninsular and transadriatic)
● Religion (sanctuaries, cults)
● Funerary practices
● Social developments
Abstracts for papers should be submitted electronically by February 15, 2021 to, preferably with the subject heading “AIA 2022 Abstract.” The abstracts will be judged anonymously and so should not reveal the author’s name, but the body of the email should provide name, abstract title, and affiliation. Abstracts should be 300 words or fewer and should follow the AIA guidelines ( We welcome proposals also from scholars who would only be able to be present via videoconferencing. Inquiries may be directed to Bice Peruzzi ( ), Christian Heitz ( and Leah BernardoCiddio (