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CALL. 15.02.2021: Youth Forum on The Future of the Humanities - Lisboa (Portugal)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Ana Cristina Falcato (IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa); Gonçalo Marcelo (CECH, Universidade de Coimbra / Católica Porto Business School); Leonor de Medeiros (CHAM, Universidade Nova de Lisboa); Raimundo Henriques (CFUL, Universidade de Lisboa); Telmo Pereira (UNIARQ, Universidade de Lisboa / Instituto Politécnico de Tomar).


The Youth Forum on the Future of the Humanities is a Forum gathering young and/or early career researchers (graduate students or scholars within 10 years of having been awarded their PhD) as a part of the European Humanities Conference (EHC 2021) European Humanities and beyond, jointly organized by the CIPSH, UNESCO and FCT, and in articulation with the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

EHC 2021 will include this innovative platform, the Youth Forum, which aims to define a set of ideas and recommendations that the young generations feel relevant and urgent in the field of the Humanities. Its final goal is to prepare a report drawing on the contributions of researchers from all across Europe and that will reflect on the status and role of the Humanities in the decades to come.

The Youth Forum is scheduled to take place in Lisbon at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, on May 4, ahead of the main EHC 2021 Conference (May 5-7). It is planned as a live event, pending on the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic. If travel restrictions apply the Forum will include the possibility of remote participation.

We want this Forum to count on the participation of young researchers in the Humanities from as many European countries as possible and are currently looking for researchers based in European countries, namely in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Norway, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Researchers interested in taking part in the Forum should send their expression of interest by sending an e-mail to no later than February 15th 2021.

Expressions of interest should include:

- Name;

- Affiliation;

- E-mail;

- Field / Domain of expertise in the Humanities;

- A short (ca. 300-500 words) paragraph stating what you feel is the most important priority for the Humanities in the next two decades and why.


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