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CALL 15.03.2021: [PANEL 19] Ancient MakerSpaces (2022 AIA/SCS) - San Francisco (CA, USA)




ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Savannah Bishop (Koç University); Aaron Hershkowitz (The Institute for Advanced Study); Daniel Libatique (College of the Holy Cross); Rachel Starry (University of California, Riverside); Natalie Susmann (College of the Holy Cross); Sean Tennant (Union College)

INFO: web -


Ancient MakerSpaces showcases digital approaches to the study of the ancient world. Since 2017, Ancient MakerSpaces has served as a venue at the AIA-SCS Annual Meeting for scholars, librarians, and students to share their ongoing digital scholarship and pedagogical work, as well as a space for hands-on, peer-based learning about digital resources and computational methods.

AMS 2022 is a collaborative, interactive forum showcasing digital ancient scholarship through lighting talks and live project demonstrations. We invite submissions from individuals working on digital tools, platforms, repositories, or techniques for engaging with ancient texts and material culture. Whether in the context of research, outreach, or teaching, we welcome digital work in all stages of planning and completion: in-progress or unpublished builds, published projects, and those left glitching or unfinished.

Submissions from all disciplines within ancient studies are welcome. Past presentations have covered a broad range of topics, including:

  • digital pedagogy

  • AR/VR environments

  • digital mapping

  • text encoding, annotating, or editing

  • network analysis

  • digitization and modeling (including epigraphic or numismatic materials)

  • linked open data or data preservation

AMS is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment. We welcome participants of any identity, age, gender, nationality, race, disability, or sexual orientation. AMS celebrates individuals linking digital technology and the ancient world, regardless of their affiliation, educational level, professional status, or position. All individuals are welcome to submit a proposal. We especially encourage submissions from scholars of identities that have been historically marginalized in the field.

Submission deadline: March 15, 2021


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