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CALL.25.01.2021:[PANEL 2]Lessons Learned from Teaching During the Pandemic - San Francisco (CA, USA)







The American Classical League invites scholars and teachers to submit abstracts for its affiliated group panel session, “Lessons Learned from Teaching During the Pandemic” at the San Francisco Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in January 2022. We welcome abstracts that address one or more of the questions below or others issues relevant to the topic:

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all in countless ways, both professionally and personally. This panel seeks to address what we have learned from teaching Latin (or Greek or Classics) during the pandemic. It is meant as a reflective panel, not a “how to” panel. Are there things you incorporated into your pandemic pedagogy that you might choose to retain in the face-to-face classroom? Are there things about your regular face-to-face teaching that you would now rethink after teaching in these challenging times? What did you learn about the relative values of teaching synchronously or asynchronously? Has your sense of the relative value of lecture, discussion, group work, project-based learning, and so forth, changed? Has your pedagogy in relation to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion been affected by your teaching during the pandemic? Have you rethought any issues concerning diverse learners, including students with IEPs and/or learning accommodations? What did you learn about your own teaching strengths during the pandemic? What did you find were the most significant challenges for you?

All papers should be accessible to a broad audience of classics scholars and teachers. Papers accepted for the panel will be published in The Classical Outlook, journal of The American Classical League, after additional peer review. By submitting an abstract, you agree to submit your paper for publication in CO, if the abstract is chosen for the panel. Abstracts should be submitted to the panel organizer, Ronnie Ancona ( Any questions about the panel may be addressed to her. She will anonymize the abstracts before they are forwarded to the reviewers. Reviewer decisions will be communicated to the authors of abstracts by March 1, 2021, with enough time that those whose abstracts are not chosen can participate in the individual abstract submission process for the upcoming meeting.

Please submit as a Word document. Abstracts should conform to the instructions for the format of individual abstracts that appear in the SCS Guidelines for Authors of Abstracts:

Please put “ACL panel at SCS 2022” in the subject line of your email submission. Include the title of your paper, your name, and your institutional affiliation (or status as Independent Scholar) in the email message only, but make sure that your name (and any other identifying information) does not appear in the abstract itself or in the name of the file. If you refer to your own scholarship in your abstract, cite it in the third person, as you would any other source.

You MUST be a member of SCS to submit an abstract. Please include in your email submission message your SCS member number and the date you joined or last renewed. (This will appear on your membership confirmation email from SCS and in your account.) You DO NOT have to be a member of ACL.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is January 25, 2021.

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