CALL.28.02.2021: Rome and Iberia.Diversity of Relations from Antiquity - (Online)

While the Roman conquest was not the beginning of the Iberian Peninsula history, Roman presence in the region profoundly affected the lives of its inhabitants. Those relations left a permanent mark on the Peninsula and the vestiges of Ancient Roman culture still abound not only there, but also in other countries which came under Iberian influence. This issue is still avidly researched and debated by scholars of different fields.
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: dr Maria Judyta Woźniak (Department of Spanish Studies) ;
dr Adriana Grzelak-Krzymianowska (Department of Classical Philology)
The Third Interdisciplinary Conference is an opportunity for Polish and international speakers, considering and analyzing the issue from a variety of perspectives, to exchange research experience. We anticipate speeches on such interesting topics as the correlations between Latin and Romance languages, for instance Spanish and Portuguese.
Also expected to attend are scholars who will address the issue of, for example, the image of the Peninsula in the Latin literature of the Roman and subsequent periods, as well as the depiction of Ancient Rome as a source of inspiration in Spanish and Portuguese writings. We also extend a warm welcome to historians, art scholars and archeologists, as the remnants of the joint heritage of Rome and Iberia are to be found both in literature and in material culture. We hope that our discussions will give rise to new and interesting research topics to be studied as joint projects.
We would like to invite literary scholars, linguists, culture scholars, historians, art historians, archaeologists and other researchers interested in the subject to take part in our interdisciplinary conference.
Please, send papers concerning the following topics related to the relationships between the inhabitants of the ancient Rome and the Iberian Peninsula:
1. The history of the Roman conquest of the Peninsula.
2. Political, economic and commercial relations in the ancient times.
3. Mutual linguistic influences.
4. Mutual literary influences and inspirations – such as genres, poetry, topics, topoi and myths.
5. Reception of Roman literature on the Iberian Peninsula and in other Spanish- speaking countries – imitation, continuation and modification of literary patterns.
6. Inspirations in art.
7. Material culture remains from the Roman times on the Peninsula’s territory.
8. Population migrations in the ancient times and subsequent eras.
9. Transport and tourism.
10. Mutual relations in the field of religion.
11. Everyday customs of Romans and their influence on the life of the inhabitants of the Peninsula.
12. Reception and validity of ancient Rome’s traditions in the modern culture of the Iberian Peninsula and of other Spanish-speaking countries.
This time the conference will be held in virtual space. We hope that the remote form of the conference, although forced by the current situation, will allow all willing to participate, regardless of the distance, and will make us meet in an even larger group.
Languages of the conference: Polish, English, Spanish
tel.: +48 42 665 53 74
ul. Pomorska 171/173, 90-236 Łódź
Conference fee: 100 PLN / 25 Euro (the fee includes costs of a monographic publication
consisting of selected articles).
Suggestions of topics together with an abstract (up to 1500 characters) should be sent by e-mail until the 28th of February 2021.
The applicants will be informed about their paper acceptance in mid-March. That is also when practical information will be provided.
Anticipated time of a speech duration: 20 minutes.
The Conference will be held remotely via the Microsoft Teams platform.
Scientific Committee
prof. zw. dr hab. Wiaczesław Nowikow (University of Łódź)
prof. zw. dr hab. Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti (University of Warsaw)
prof. dr Tomás Jiménez Juliá (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
prof. dr Gregor Pobežin (University of Primorska)
dr hab. prof. UŁ Zbigniew Danek (University of Łódź)
dr hab. prof. UŁ Agnieszka Kłosińska-Nachin (University of Łódź)