CALL. 31.01.2021: 4th Workshop on Gender, Methodology and the Ancient Near East (GeMANE 4) - Online

INFO: web -
The Fourth Workshop on Gender, Methodology and the Ancient Near East (GeMANE 4) will take place as a virtual event on 3-4 June 2021, virtually hosted by the University of Helsinki and the Centre of Excellence in Ancient Near Eastern Empires (
We invite proposals for short 5 minute presentations, which could be called “oral posters.” The length of the proposals should be 150-200 words. Deadline for proposals is 31 January 2021.
The link to the form where you can submit your proposal is: <>. In the form you will be asked to identify the panel you are applying to. Participants will be notified of acceptance by the end of February.
As previously, the aim of the workshop is to discuss different methodological and theoretical approaches to gender within the framework of ancient Near Eastern studies. The scope of the workshop includes textual, art historical and archaeological approaches, (including neighboring disciplines) as long as the work contributes new insights into the study of gender in the ancient Near East. Because this is a virtual workshop, we have planned things differently
this year. We are organizing four panels, according to the timetable below (Helsinki times):
3 June 4 pm-5.30 pm “Labels and their impact on the present and future of gender research” chaired by Omar N’Shea and Allison K. Thomason
3 June 6 pm-7.30pm “Gender, Family Relations, and Intersectionality” chaired by Kristine Garroway and Brigitte Lion
4 June 4 pm-5.30 pm “Reading against the grain” chaired by Ann Guinan and Laura Mazow
4 June 6 pm-7.30pm “Digital Humanities Approaches to Gender Studies” chaired by Amy Gansell and Niek Veldhuis
Each session will consist of small five minute addresses and discussion and will be steered by two chairs/moderators. One of the chairs will start, to set the tone. This is followed by 5-6 addresses, followed by a concluding 5 minute address by one of the chairs. The panel concludes with general discussion, moderated by the chairs. Please note that because the addresses are so short, the details of the work can (and should) be presented in PowerPoints/handouts/other material which will be made available in the workshop web pages before the workshop.