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20 years of History, 20 years of EJIHA - 05-06-07/05/2021, Madrid (Spain)

The Meeting of Young Researchers in Ancient History at the Complutense University has been bringing together young promising researchers in History, Archaeology and the Ancient World from all over Spain every year since 2002. For three days, the capital becomes a privileged space for meeting and debate, for reflection and criticism, for friendships and reunions.

In this special edition "20 years of History, 20 years of EJIHA" we will have an opening and closing lecture, in addition to the usual three exhibition sessions, focusing on personal research projects, and three Round Tables that will analyse the last 20 years of historiography of Antiquity and will be moderated by former participants and organisers of the 1st EJIHA in 2002, who are now renowned specialists.

FECHA / DATE/DATA : 05-06-07/05/2021

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: David Serrano; Natalia Gómez; Rafael Barroso

INFO: web - form -

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: 20€ mesa redonda y comunicaciones/round tables and exhibitions/ tavole rotonde e relatori, 10€ poster



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