Philopoiētai: interaction between Greek drama and philosophy - 05-06-07/05/2021, (Online)

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 05-06-07/05/2021
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: dr Maria Judyta Woźniak (Department of Spanish Studies) ;
dr Adriana Grzelak-Krzymianowska (Department of Classical Philology)
A conference in honour of Professor Stephen Halliwell.
Wednesday 5 May 2021
2pm to 3pm Ineke Sluiter (Leiden) ‘Do tragic parents deserve their name?’
3.15 to 4.15pm Richard Rutherford (Oxford) ‘Problematic prophets’
4.30 to 5.30pm Michael Carroll (St Andrews) ‘World-building and emergent properties in Athenian drama: considerations from cognitive science’
Thursday 6 May
1pm to 2pm Babette Puetz (Wellington) ‘Funnimals: animals in Aristophanes’ comedies’ (Note different time)
2pm to 3pm Bernhard Zimmermann (Freiburg) ‘Comic philosophy’
3.15 to 4.15pm Emily Greenwood (Yale) ‘Stephen Halliwell’s Aristophanes: Translating Difference’
Friday 7 May
2pm to 3pm Richard Hunter (Cambridge) ‘Plato and the discourse of humour in Republic 10’
3.15 to 4.15pm Ralph Rosen (University of Pennsylvania) ‘The Mirage of (Greek) Seriocomedy: Some Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives’
4.30 to 5.30pm Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh) ‘Homer, Aristotle, and the Nature of Compassion’
The conference will be held online, and we will use Microsoft Teams. All welcome. If you plan to attend, please send an email to by 20 April 2021. Enquiries to Alex Long