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Renaissances de la transgression antique. Epoques moderne et... - 07/05/2021, Lyon (France)

During the first three workshops organised by the junior research team TAntALE, the study of transgression took place within the chronological boundaries of Antiquity: definition of the concept of transgression, analysis of the transgressive figures of Antiquity and how they put the norms of the city to the test, individually or collectively. In this logic, the international conference of November 2020 focused on the place of transgression in the construction of political power. For the fourth and final workshop, we will go beyond these chronological limits and study the phenomena of transgression in the relationship that authors, artists and later societies have with Antiquity.

FECHA / DATE/DATA: 07/05/2021

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Julien Berguer – TAntALE, Université Lumière Lyon 2, HiSoMA (ED 484 3LA); Madeleine Séguier - TAntALE, Sorbonne Université, CRLC (ED 0019).

INFO: Laboratoire junior TAntALE : Blog - Facebook




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