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What have the Ancients ever done for us? - 01/04/2021, Dublin (Ireland)

Why do we study the very distant past? Why dig up ancient bones and stones? Why learn long-dead languages and pore over texts that are thousands of years old? And, most importantly, how do these investigations inform us about the world and our global society?

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 01/04/2021

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Lisa Doyle; Ralph Moore; Eleanor Neil; Kathryn Murphy; George Prekas.

INFO: web - Facebook - Twitter -



Confirmed Speakers:

  • Keynote: Prof. Brian McGing – Emeritus Professor of Greek at Trinity College Dublin

  • Dr Alex Imrie – Classics Tutor at the University of Edinburgh and Classics Outreach Co-Ordinator for the Classical Association of Scotland and Classics for All.

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