CALL. 15.09.2020: Greek Literary Topographies in the Roman Imperial World - State College (PA, USA)
Body and Medicine in Latin Poetry - 17-18/09/2020, Zoom (Online)
Nella Terra di Diana. Festival di Antropologia e Storia delle Religioni - 03-04-05-06/09/2020, Genza
CALL. 01.09.2020 [SESSION 2]: Historical Ecological Lives in a Digital Ethos: understanding past lif
Bilingual conference Christianity and Crisis: Theological Discourses in Antiquity - 23-24/11/2020, Z
CALL. 25.10.2020: Bilingual conference Christianity and Crisis: Theological Discourses in Antiquity
Recent Developments in Digital Assyriology - 26-27/08/2020, Zoom (Online)
LoSAM 2021: Local Self-Governance and Weak Statehood: Theoretical and Empirical Insights from an Int
CALL. 31.08.2020: LoSAM 2021: Local Self-Governance and Weak Statehood: Theoretical and Empirical In
UWICAH 2020: Themes of Isolation in, and in the study of the Ancient World - 20-21/11/2020, (Online)