Symposium on ancient mosaics - 07/12/2019, London (England)
Tepe Sialk A Key Site for the Archaeology of Iran - 25/11/2019, Paris (France)
Landscape and Identity: Interdisciplinary Explorations of Being in the World - 26-27/03/2020, Durham
CALL. 15.11.2019: Landscape and Identity: Interdisciplinary Explorations of Being in the World - Dur
CALL. 01.12.2019: BANEA 2020: "Critical Debates in the Archaeology of the Middle East" - O
BANEA 2020: "Critical Debates in the Archaeology of the Middle East" - 09-10-11/01/2020,
PERSIKA - A day of "Persian Things" - 27/11/2019, Cardiff (Wales)
Caraca y la romanización del interior peninsular - 15-16-17/11/2019, Guadalajara (Spain)
40 Jahre ÄAT: "Egypt and the Old Testament" - 06-07/12/2019, München (Germany)
La coscienza ecologica in Roma antica: nascita ed evoluzione/ La conscience écologique dans la Rome