A Denied Iron Age / La Edad del Hierro Negada - 29/11/2019, Zaragoza (Spain)
CALL. 22.09.2019: A Denied Iron Age / La Edad del Hierro Negada - Zaragoza (Spain)
Connecting Classical Collections. Engaging with histories, networking for the future - 20/09/2019, N
14th Trends in Classics International Conference: Historical Linguistics and Classical Philology - 1
Israel Society for the promotion of Classical Studies 49th annual conference - 01-02-03/06/2021, Bee
CALL. 19.12.2019: Israel Society for the promotion of Classical Studies 49th annual conference - Bee
Sailing with the Gods: Religion and Maritime Mobility in the Ancient World - 16-17-18-19-20-21/06/20
CALL. 01.01.2020: Sailing with the Gods: Religion and Maritime Mobility in the Ancient World - Flori
Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st C. BC-6th C. AD) (5th International Conference on
Freud and Egypt: Between Oedipus and the Sphinx - 12/10/2019, London (England)