Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of Rock Art and Graffiti studies in Egypt and Sudan - 10-
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Disciplines as broad as the archaeology of Egypt and Nubia, in order to progress, need to develop internal and...
CALL. 30.05.2019: Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of Rock Art and Graffiti studies in Egy
Exchanging Ideas - Trade, Technology, and Connectivity in pre-Roman Italy - 03-04-05/02/2020, Auckla
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This conference will explore models for the transmission of objects, ideas, production techniques, artistic styles,...
CALL. 01.06.2019: Exchanging Ideas - Trade, Technology, and Connectivity in pre-Roman Italy - Auckla
go to CONGRESS This conference will explore models for the transmission of objects, ideas, production techniques, artistic styles, and...
La montagna nell’antichità - 02-03-04/05/2019, Trento (Italy)
Il Convegno Internazionale AICC La montagna nell’antichità avrà luogo nei giorni 2-4 maggio 2019 , nell’ambito di Trento Film Festival,...
Pollux, Onomasticon About Play and Games - 16/04/2019, Fribourg (Switzerland)
The current lecture examines Greek children’s toys in terms of their cultural “biographies”. Toys may have specific meanings when they...
Between the Age of Diplomacy and the First Great Empire in Ancient West Asia (1200-900 BC) - 18-19/0
FECHA /DATE/DATA: 18-19/04/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Salle Giorgio Vasari, Institut National de l?Histoire de l'Art (Paris, France)...
Narratology for Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages -15-16-17/11/2019, Innsbruck (Austria)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Even though controversial, the long transition from the Roman World to the Medieval “state”-system has yet to reach...
CALL. 15.04.2019: Narratology for Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages - Innsbruck (Austria)
go to CONGRESS Even though controversial, the long transition from the Roman World to the Medieval “state”-system has yet to reach a...
The Thebaid in Times of Crisis. Between Integration and Insurrection - 02-03-04/05/2019, Berlin (Ger
This conference deals with violent political and social conflicts in the Thebaid region in Upper Egypt in the Ptolemaic period (332-30...