Anatolia between the 13th and the 12th Century BCE- 22-23/01/2019, Torino (Italy)
Colors, Dyes and Textiles in the Ancient Near East - 22/01/2019, Jerusalem (Israel)
IV Congresso Internacional sobre Arqueologia de Transição: Salvaguarda Arqueológica - 02-03/05/2019,
Antigüedades de Oriente Próximo y Egipto en España y Portugal: Viajeros, pioneros y coleccionistas -
CALL. 15.04.2019: Antigüedades de Oriente Próximo y Egipto en España y Portugal: Viajeros, pioneros
Sapiens Ubique Civis VII - 28-29-30/08/2019, Szeged (Hungary)
CALL. 11.06.2019: Sapiens Ubique Civis VII - Szeged (Hungary)
CALL. 10.03.2019: [PANEL 15] Ethical landscapes in epicureanism (CCC 2019) - Coimbra (Portugal)
Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agenc
Pecunia Omnes Vincit. 6th edition of the International Numismatic and Economic Conference - 31/05-01