Small Towns: Una realidad urbana en la Hispania Romana - 14-15-16/10/2020, Alicante (Spain)
CALL. 01.05.2020: Small Towns: Una realidad urbana en la Hispania Romana - Alicante (Spain)
Nostoi II: Traveling in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea + Inland Routes from the Early Bronze to the E
CALL. 30.04.2020: Nostoi II: Traveling in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea + Inland Routes from the Ear
[POSTPONED] Flavian Sicily. An Academic Conference and Tour of Ancient Sites -22-23-24-25-26-27/10/2
[POSTPONED] CALL. 20.04.2020: Flavian Sicily. An Academic Conference and Tour of Ancient Sites - Sir
Apotropaia and Phylakteria. Confronting Evil in Ancient Greece - 14-15/12/2020, Athens (Greece)
CALL. 31.03.2020: Apotropaia and Phylakteria. Confronting Evil in Ancient Greece - Athens (Greece)
World Archaeological Congress 9 (WAC 9) - 05-06-07-08-09-10/07/2020, Prague (Czech Republic)
CALL. 21.03.2020: [SESSION] Challenges and new approaches for protection of cultural heritage around