The Thirty-Third Annual Symposium on Jewish Civilization: “Jews and Urban Life” - 25-26/10/2020, Oma
CALL. 15.04.2020: The Thirty-Third Annual Symposium on Jewish Civilization: “Jews and Urban Life” -
Identity and Identification, 300 C.E.-1200 C.E. - 22/05/2020, Cardiff (Wales)
CALL. 10.04.2020: Identity and Identification, 300 C.E.-1200 C.E. - Cardiff (Wales)
1st TIR-FOR Symposium - 26-27/10/2020, Barcelona (Spain)
CALL. 30.04.2020: 1st TIR-FOR Symposium - Barcelona (Spain)
[POSTPONED] III Encontro de Arqueologia de Lisboa – 25-26/03/2021, Lisboa (Portugal)
CALL. 12.04.2020: III Encontro de Arqueologia de Lisboa – Lisboa (Portugal)
Nea Paphos Colloquium III "Another acropolis at Paphos: Fabrika hill and beyond" - 29-30-3
CALL. 15.04.2020: Nea Paphos Colloquium III "Another acropolis at Paphos: Fabrika hill and beyo