Gods & Humans in Ancient Egypt. Current Research and Multidisciplinary Approaches - 12-13-14/06/
CALL.10.03.2020: Gods & Humans in Ancient Egypt. Current Research and Multidisciplinary Approach
East meets West - 15-16-17/01/2021, London (England)
CISSR Annual Meeting (2020) - 01-02-03/10/2020, Bertinoro (Italy)
CALL.15.04.2020: CISSR Annual Meeting (2020) - Bertinoro (Italy)
Construction of Identities and late Mesopotamian archives (after 539 BCE) - 12-13/03/2020, Helsinki
"Megiddo, Kadesh, and the Aftermath". An international conference on war and peace in Anti
CALL. 31.03.2020: "Megiddo, Kadesh, and the Aftermath". An international conference on war
Re-Rolling the Past. Representations and Reinterpretations of Antiquity in Analog and Digital Games
Antiquities, Sites and Museums Under Threat: Cultural Heritage and Communities in a State of War (19