Il futuro del passato. L'insegnamento delle materie classiche nella scuola di domani- 13-14/12/2
Los clásicos conquistan la tele - 15-16/12/2016, Madrid (Spain)
XIII Convegno di Studi sulla Sicilia antica: "Eracle in Sicilia. Oltre il mito: arte, storia, a
Medicine and Paradoxography in the Ancient World - 15/12/2016, Patras (Greece)
CALL. 31.12.2016: [PANEL 3 at 10th CCC]" From Sources to Editions and back again. The Continuit
“Mesopotamian Temple Inventories in the Third and Second Millennia BCE: Integrating Archaeological,
Women’s Classical Committee UK workshop for mid-career women classicists - 12/12/2016, London (Engla
CALL. 14.11.2016: Women’s Classical Committee UK workshop for mid-career women classicists- London (
Aspetti della tarda antichità: città, contesti, materiali - 14/11/2016, Roma (Italy)
XII Convegno del Réseau de Recherche et de Formation à la Recherche "Poésie augustéenne":