Were we right to fire the canon (if we ever did)? - 19/05/2016, York (England)
Morbid Laughter: Exploring the Comic Dimensions of Disease in Classical Antiquity - 12-13/09/2016, P
CALL. 15.06.2016: Morbid Laughter: Exploring the Comic Dimensions of Disease in Classical Antiquity
Paideia and Humanitas. To form and educate yesterday and today - 15-16/12/2016, Lisboa (Portugal)
CALL. 31.05.2016: Paideia and Humanitas. To form and educate yesterday and today - Lisboa (Portugal)
II Forum de Arqueología Clásica y Medieval - 26/04/2016, Madrid (Spain)
Il Tevere e i muraglioni: arte e scienza nelle prospettive di valorizzazione della storia della citt
Refuge and Refugees in the Ancient World - 11-12/11/2016, New York (NY, USA)
CALL. 02.05.2016: Refuge and Refugees in the Ancient World - New York (USA)
ALSCW Annual Conference. Panel "Achilles in the Greco-Roman world" - 27-28-29-30/10/2016,