CALL. 1.05.2016: ALSCW Annual Conference. Panel "Achilles in the Greco-Roman world" - Wash
Voices, images and artefacts of ancient craftsmen/women - 23-24/06/2016, Paris (France)
III Fórum-Estudante em História e Culturas da Alimentação - 23/05/2016, Coimbra (Portugal)
CALL. 30.04.2016. III Fórum-Estudante em História e Culturas da Alimentação - Coimbra (Portugal)
John Chrysostom and Severian of Gabala: Homilists, Exegetes and Theologians - 07-08-09/11/2016, Leuv
CALL. 30.04.2016: John Chrysostom and Severian of Gabala: Homilists, Exegetes and Theologians. Leuve
Eighth World Archaeological Congress - 28-29-30-31/08, 01-02/09/2016, Kyoto (Japan)
CALL. 30.04.2016: Eighth World Archaeological Congress - Kyoto (Japan)
“Cities, Territories and Identities”. 1st International Conference Roman and Late Antique Thrace (Ra
CALL. 31.05.2016: “Cities, Territories and Identities”. 1st International Conference Roman and Late