CALL. 29.02.2016: The Materiality of Mourning: A 2-day interdisciplinary workshop at the University
School of Classics, St Andrews, Semester 3 Seminars - 29/01, 05-12-19-26/02, 04-11/03, 01-08-15-22/0
(Re)viewing Reality: Visuality and Perception in the Ancient World - 01-02/04/2016, Toronto (Canada)
CALL. 01.02.2016: (Re)viewing Reality: Visuality and Perception in the Ancient World - Toronto (Cana
II Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores Universidad de León. Mundo Hispánico: cultura, a
CALL. 20.01.2016: II Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores Universidad de León. Mundo His
Hellenistic Central Asia: Current Research, New Directions - 15-16-17/04/2016, Reading (England)
CALL. 14.01.2016: Hellenistic Central Asia: Current Research, New Directions - Reading (England)
Dis Manibus: (Im)mortality and the Afterlife in the Ancient World. 20th Annual Graduate Student Coll
CALL. 01.02.2016: Dis Manibus: (Im)mortality and the Afterlife in the Ancient World. 20th Annual Gra