Congresso de História e Património, da Alta Estremadura e Terras de Sicó - 21-22/09/2019, Alvaiázere
CALL. 31.07.2019: Congresso de História e Património, da Alta Estremadura e Terras de Sicó - Alvaiáz
2019 CARC Workshop: "Textile Art in the Graeco-Roman World" - 26-27/09/2019, Oxford (Engla
Conference in image theory and visual culture studies- 23-24-25/03/2020, Hamburg (Germany)
CALL. 22.08.2019: Conference in image theory and visual culture studies - Hamburg (Germany)
Meaning, Memory, and Movement: Ancient and Medieval Spaces - 06-07-08-09/07/2020, Leeds (England)
CALL. 10.08.2019: Breast Borders: Motherhood and Breastfeeding in the Middle Ages - Leeds (England)
...animum pictura pascit...(Verg. Aen. I, 464) Abitare con le pitture nel Mediterraneo antico - 29-3
CALL. 15.10.2019 [POSTERS]: ...animum pictura pascit...(Verg. Aen. I, 464) Abitare con le pitture ne
III Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores ANIHO – V SHRA: La recepción de la Antigüedad desde el Medievo