CALL. 31.10.2019: Collectors and Scholars. The Numismatic World in the Long 19th Century [CANCELLED]
Children and Youth Speaking Up and Speaking Out - 24-25-26/06/2020, Manchester (England)
CALL. 01.11.2019: Children and Youth Speaking Up and Speaking Out - Manchester (England)
Found in Translation: Interpreting, Reworking, and Reinventing Texts - 19/10/2019, Oxford (England)
CALL. 19.09.2019: Found in Translation: Interpreting, Reworking, and Reinventing Texts - Oxford (En
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference 2020 - 16-17-18/04/2020, Split (Croatia)
CALL. 31.08.2019: [SESSIONS] Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference 2020 - Split (Croatia)
CIHA 2019. International Conference of Art History - 01-02-03-04-05-06/09/2019, Firenze (italy)
Mentale Konzepte der Stadt in Bild und Textmedien der Vormoderne - 11-12-13/06/2020, Kiel (Germany)
CALL. 30.10.2019: Mentale Konzepte der Stadt in Bild und Textmedien der Vormoderne - Kiel (Germany)