I Seminario de Música y Danza en el Mundo Antiguo - 04/12/2020, Online (Microsoft Teams)
I Jornada de Estudios Doctorales de Arte i Musicología- 16-17/12/2020, (Online)
CALL. 30.10.2020: I Jornada de Estudios Doctorales de Arte i Musicología - (Online)
Poetics, Politics and the Ruin in Cinema and Theatre since 1945 (II) - 22/11/2021, Nanterre (France)
Poetics, Politics and the Ruin in Cinema and Theatre since 1945 (I) - 02/04/2021, Oxford (England)
CALL. 30.10.2020: Poetics, Politics and the Ruin in Cinema and Theatre since 1945 - Oxford (England)
Homer in Sicily 2021 - 12-13-14-15/01/2021, Syracuse (Greece)
CALL. 15.10.2020: Homer in Sicily 2021- Syracuse (Greece)
II Colloquio internazionale tra dottorandi e dottori di ricerca "Ricerche di Archeologia Crist
CALL. 06.11.2020: II Colloquio internazionale tra dottorandi e dottori di ricerca "Ricerche di