Irresistible Night, Ageless Dark: The Nocturnal in Image, Text, and Material Culture - 15-16/11/2019
CALL. 10.05.2019: Irresistible Night, Ageless Dark: The Nocturnal in Image, Text, and Material Cultu
Immigration, Emigration and Exile. Encounters in Late Antiquity (ca. 150-700 CE). XXVI Finnish Sympo
CALL. 01.06.2019: Immigration, Emigration and Exile. Encounters in Late Antiquity (ca. 150-700 CE).
European Islands Between Isolated and Interconnected Life Worlds: Interdisciplinary Long-Term Perspe
CALL. 15.05.2019: European Islands Between Isolated and Interconnected Life Worlds: Interdisciplinar
Cultures in Contact Central Asia as Focus of Trade, Cultural Exchange and Knowledge Transmission - 1
CALL. 15.05.2019: Cultures in Contact Central Asia as Focus of Trade, Cultural Exchange and Knowledg
NIHIL OBSTAT: Reading and Circulation of Texts After Censorship - 17-18-19/10/2019, Prague (Czech Re
CALL. 31.05.2019: NIHIL OBSTAT: Reading and Circulation of Texts After Censorship - Prague (Czech Re