10th Celtic Conference in Classics - 19-20-21-22/07/2017, Montreal (Canada)
CALL. 20.10.2016 [PANELS]: 10th Celtic Conference in Classics - Montreal (Canada)
113th CAMWS (The Classical Association of Middle West and South) - 05-06-07-08/04/2017, Kitchener (C
CALL. 23.09.2016: 113th CAMWS (The Classical Association of Middle West and South) - Kitchener (Cana
Aging in ancient thinking - 07-08-09/06/2017, Montreal (Canada)
CALL. 01.09.2016: Aging in ancient thinking - Montreal (Canada)
Greek Drama V - 05-06-07-08/07/2017, Vancouver (Canada)
CALL. 06.09.2016: Greek Drama V- Vancouver (Canada)
The Third Canadian Colloquium for Ancient Philosophy - 14-15-16/10/2016, Hamilton (Canada)
CALL. 06.06.2016: The Third Canadian Colloquium for Ancient Philosophy - Hamilton (Canada)