Loimos, pestis, pestes. Regards croisés sur les grands fléaux épidémiques - 27-30/10/2020, Online
Symposium Cumanum 2021: "Identity in Vergil" - 23-24-25-26/06/2021, Bacoli (Italy)
Jornadas Patagónicas de Estudios sobre Sociedades Antiguas - 27-28/10/2020, (Online)
La Cristianización de las villas romanas de Hispania - 22-23-24/10/2020, (Online)
Thucydides in the ‘Age of Extremes’ and Beyond. Academia and Politics - 30/10/2020, (Online)
I Jornada de Estudios Doctorales de Arte i Musicología- 16-17/12/2020, (Online)
MAPPOLA Workshop ‘Latin Poetry in the Greek East & Greek Poetry - 25-26/02/2021, (Online)
Offerte in metallo nei santuari greci. Doni votivi, rituali, smaltim - 29/10/2020, (Online)
Congresso Internacional SOPA no Fundão - 12-13-14-15-16-17/10/2020, Fundão (Portugal)
Philip Ford Annual Postgraduate Day: Neo-Latin and the Vernacular - 10/10/2020, (Online)