International Virtual Mirror Studies Conference (IVMSC) 2020 - 06/03/2020, Beijing (China)
The main topic of this conference is mirrors and interdisciplinary approach. Scholars and researchers from different academic backgrounds...

Magic, rituals and cult in the ancient Near East (2nd NINO conference) - 30/01/2020, Amsterdam (Neth
The public is invited to the second NINO Annual Meeting, which will be held on Thursday 30 January 2020 in Amsterdam. FECHA/DATE/DATA:...

Syriac and Arabia Symposium (Hugoye Symposium VI) - 24-25/04/2020, Princeton (NJ, USA)
The Syriac Institute is holding its sixth Hugoye Symposium in April 2020 at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. This year’s...

Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting - 05-06-07-08-09/07/2020, Adelaide (Australia)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS PANEL 1 The SBL International Meeting is held annually outside North America. It provides a unique forum for...

Muros et Moenia: City Walls, Urban Boundaries, and the Articulation of the City in the First Millenn
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This international workshop seeks to bring together an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars to...

10th Congress of the Société d'Etudes Samaritaines - 19-20-21-22-23-24/07/2020, Budapest (Hunga
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The congress will take place at the Károli Gáspár University in Budapest (Hungary), jointly organized by the SÉS...

Collecting Africa: Before, During and After Colonial Overrule - 27/04/2020, Oxford (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This conference seeks to place these debates in a historical perspective and provide an analysis of materials from...

40th Ancient Medicine Interdisciplinary Working Group - 19-20/06/2020, Mainz (Germany)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS It is in this historically, historic-epistemologically and medical-theoretically rich context that the 40th...

The (im)penetrable Barriers: Borders and Migrations in History - 21-22-23/05/2021, Pula (Croatia)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The aim of the conference is to look at both of these topics that are very relevant for the world today. We wish to...

The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings. 1st International Seminar on 'The Golden Bough' -
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The seminar intends to be an occasion for interdisciplinary confrontation about the first volume of the editio...