The Archaeology of Ritual: Rethinking ritual practices in Sanctuaries and Necropoleis of the ancient
What are the methodologies and various approaches applied to the study of ritual contexts within the archaeological record, specifically...
[POSTPONED] Foreign Nations in the Prophets - 07/05/2020, London (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 07/05/2020 UPDATE: Under present circumstances, it is obviously not possible (at least in the...
XI Cicero Away Day - 09/06/2020 (Online)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Birmingham is pleased to announce the call for...
Child Slavery in the Roman Empire -16-17-18/06/2020, Edinburgh (Scotland)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Confirmed speakers include: - Bassir Amiri (Franche-Comté), - Jean-Jacques Aubert (Neuchâtel), - Maureen Carroll...
Pacific Partnership in Late Antiquity Conference [POSPUESTO] -17-18-19/06/2020, Adelaide (Australia)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Keynote speaker will be Prof. Edward Watts, Alkiviadis Vassiliadis Endowed Chair in Byzantine Greek History &...
I martedì di Carthago. Giornata di studio "Il Tofet" - 28/01/2020, Roma (Italy)
La Giornata di Studio, articolata in una sessione mattutina dedicata alle fonti e in una sessione pomeridiana dedicata alle evidenze...
"Human" and "non human" in Homeric and Archaic epic - 30-31/08 -01-02-03/09/2020
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA / DATE/DATA: 30-31/08 -01-02-03/09/2020 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Vathy (Ithaca, Greece)...
I colofoni cristiani orientali: per un’analisi strutturale - 14/02/2020, Roma (Italy)
Quali sono gli elementi minimi perché un “colofone” possa essere considerato tale? Esiste, nelle varie tradizioni dell’Oriente cristiano,...
The Origins of Roman Public Space - 07/02/2020, Sydney (Australia)
FECHA / DATE/DATA: 07/02/2020 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Centre for Classical and Near Eastern Studies of Australia (Sydney, Australia)...
Mythology and Education - 18/02/2020, Cambridge (England)
Greco-Roman mythology is used widely and imaginatively in teaching and outreach activities from Early Years to Higher Education. This...